Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Mineral Resources - 18511 Words

UNIT 2: Natural Resources 2.1 INTRODUCTION 2.2 RENEWABLE AND NON-RENEWABLE RESOURCES 2.2.1 Natural resources and associated problems 2.2.2 Non-renewable resources 2.2.3 Renewable resources a. Forest Resources: Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies. Timber extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forests and tribal people b. Water Resources: Use and over-utilisation of surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over water, dams – benefits and problems. c. Mineral Resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources, case studies. 16 20 20 22 22 23 26 30 32 d. Food Resources: World food problems, Changes in landuse by agriculture and grazing, Effects of modern†¦show more content†¦Large stretches of land such as forests, grasslands and wetlands have been converted into intensive agriculture. Land has been taken for industry and 16 Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses Chapter2.p65 16 4/9/2004, 5:07 PM the urban sectors. These changes have brought about dramatic alterations in land-use patterns and rapid disappearance of valuable natural ecosystems. The need for more water, more food, more energy, more consumer goods, is not only the result of a greater population, but also the result of over-utilization of resources by people from the more affluent societies, and the affluent sections of our own. Industrial development is aimed at meeting growing demands for all consumer items. However, these consumer goods also generate waste in ever larger quantities. The growth of industrial complexes has led to a shift of people from their traditional, sustainable, rural way of life to urban centers that developed around industry. During the last few decades, several small urban centers have become large cities, some have even become giant mega-cities. This has increased the disparity between what the surrounding land can produce and what the large number of increasingly consumer-oriented peo ple in these areas of high population density consume. Urban centers cannot exist without resources such as water from rivers and lakes, food from agricultural areas, domestic animals from pasture lands and timber, fuel wood,Show MoreRelatedMineral Resources of Bangladesh1515 Words   |  7 PagesPrecambrian basement have been encountered in the drill holes in the north western part of the country. Because of a different geological environment, important mineral deposits of Bangladesh are natural gas, coal, limestone, hardrock, gravel, boulder, glass sand, construction sand, white clay, brick clay, peat, and beach sand heavy minerals. Tertiary Barail shales occurring within the oil and gas windows have generated natural gas and oil found in Bangladesh. 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The black elk’s band had camped on sphitton creekRead MorePersonal Statement : Noble Mineral Resources1146 Words   |  5 Pages Noble mineral resources INTRODUCTION My last name start with ‘N’ as my company name I chosen will be Noble Mineral Resources Limited. Noble Mining is company focusing on the resources, which is searching for and growing high level of gold deposit in the world as its rank mid-row gold producer in West Africa . Main responsibility of CFO in Noble Mining Resources The highest position level of fiscal leadership in a company is the Chief Financial Officer, as a member of the organization’sRead More Got Minerals? Essay625 Words   |  3 PagesGot Minerals? Various mineral resources have played crucial roles in human history, both in the post-literate history recorded in books and in the much longer, much more epic history of man as a species. From the primitive tribes who even today still eat certain types of rocks to the frantic gold-hunts of the last few centuries to the modern â€Å"concrete jungle,† the use of minerals is the most general and natural way in which humans perform the chief function that separates us from most other animals:Read MoreCritical and Creative Thinking Week 11380 Words   |  6 Pageslives through our dependence on Earth resources; through geologic hazards such as volcanic eruptions, floods and earthquakes; and through the physical properties of the natural environment (Murck, B. W., Skinner, B. J., amp; Mackenzie, D. (2010)). Understanding Earth’s materials is important because we depend on its resources for building, soil for agricultural needs, energy resources, the air we breathe, and wa ter needed to sustain life. Earth’s natural resources are not all unlimited some or manyRead MoreFood Intake Day One Essay995 Words   |  4 Pages1. Define Mineral: Any naturally occurring inorganic solid that possesses an orderly crystalline structure and can be represented by a chemical formula. 2. Use the geologic definition of a mineral to determine which of the items listed in Figure 1.1 (p.3 lab book) are minerals and which are not minerals. Put an â€Å"X† in the appropriate box. Yes | No | Mineral | Yes | No | Mineral |    | X | Rock Candy |    | X   | Obsidian |   X |    | Quartz |    | X   | Cubic zirconia |    |   X | Motor oil |Read MoreEssay on Minearls Found around the World1087 Words   |  5 Pages Minerals are found in many areas of the world and some are more easily available than others. The Earth provides natural resources as necessary minerals that can be used for construction, decoration, gemstones, and many other important physical uses that improve the quality of life. 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