Thursday, February 27, 2020

Marketing Myopia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marketing Myopia - Essay Example Marketing Myopia, written by Theodore Levitt, was published in the Harvard Business Review. It won the McKinsey award in 1960. This is a business article that asks the question, â€Å"What business are you really in?† It talks about the strategy of doing business and marketing. Levitt argues that for a business to do better, focus should not be on selling products to customers. Rather focus should be on the customer needs and meeting those needs. According to the writer, most businesses that do not grow, or whose growth keeps declining have a management problem. This management is of the top executives of a company since they are the policy makers and implementers. For a long time, companies have been focusing on the kind of products they think suits the customers. This has led to failures of this company or stagnating growth, to say the least. Theodore Levitt is remarkably insightful in arguments about the failure of management. It is argued that the failure is with the top e xecutives whose work is to make policies. An example is given of the transportation industry, where railroad has been replaced by other means of transport that meet the needs of the customers. The railroad failed to meet the needs of the customer. This is because they had a wrong definition for their business, which is product oriented. They instead should have defined it as customer oriented. The second example is Hollywood, whose focus was in production of movies and not providing entertainment. They have since been overtaken by TV, which meets the needs of the customer by providing entertainment. Levitt’s other examples are of companies whose orientation is customer based. They are nylon and glass-based companies respectively. They have both customer and product advantages that emanate from their excellent technical competence. They apply this technical competence to make sure the products produced are of quality. The focus is on the customers’ needs but not on the product. They apply excellent technical competence to fulfill those needs. In his examples, Theodore Levitt compares different companies that are in different sectors of an economy. The writer is critical in arguing that there is an error of analysis in judging companies according to their products. Success of a company is not on the product, which is a narrow way of classification. Companies die because of a lack of imaginativeness in the management and a lack of will to fulfill the needs of the customer. A railroad industry lacks the imaginativeness to fulfill the needs of the customer, which in this case is transportation. This point is made clearly and shows that companies that have narrowed down their product line are doomed to fail for having a wrong business definition. This gives a serious point for management to think, evaluate their business strategy, applicability, survival, and plan appropriately. The writer argues intuitively that the success of a company is sometimes a ttributed to lack of competition. These companies have since gone under a shadow. Why is that? The dry cleaning companies have been replaced with other customer-friendly companies that discovered how to reduce the amount of dry cleaning required for clothes. The use of chemical additives and synthetic fibers is about to make dry cleaning obsolete. Another company that the writer examined is in the electric utilities. They have no competition, yet, they are not growing. This is because other companies are replacing electricity lines with a small cell electricity transmitter. Grocery stores, on the other hand, have been replaced with large chains of supermarkets. It is argued that the growth industry is non-existent. Arguably, there exist companies that create and capitalize on growth opportunities. The self-deceiving cycle thrives on the ever-expanding population, lack of competition, mass production, and product focus. A company can focus on mass production of goods to meet an expan ding populatio

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Recidivism in America Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Recidivism in America - Research Paper Example Despite all these suggestions as the reason for the crimes, there still is an escalating prison system with no relief in sight (Clear, Resig & Cole, 2010, p4) Recidivism A 2002 study survey showed that among 275,000 prisoners that were set free in 1994, 67.5% were arrested within the next 3 years, and 51.8% were back in prison (Langan el at, 2002, p 26). The study found no evidence that spending more time in the prison raises the recidivism rate and those that serve the longest time had a slightly lower rate of arrest than every other category of prisoners (Clear, Resig & Cole, 2006, p 3). This is likely explained by the older average age of those released with the longest sentences. The study shows a strong negative correlation between recidivism and age upon release. Recidivism is, for that reason, a culture of both the young and the old. The prisoners commit the same offenses after their release because the causes of their arrest ignored before they are set free from the prisons o r they lack proper rehabilitation while they are in prison. Comparison Of Recidivism In America With Other Countries The United States has the highest documented incarceration rate in the world (743 per 100,000 populations). Russia takes the second position with a high rate of (577 per 100,000); followed by Rwanda (561 per 100,000). By comparison; the incarceration rate in England and Wales; October 2011 was 155 people imprisoned per 100,000 residents. The rate for Norway in May 2010 was 71 inmates per 100,000; Netherlands in April 2010 was 94 per 100,000; Australia in June 2010 was 133 per 100,000 and New Zealand in October 2010 was 203 per 100,000 (New York Times section A, 2008, p 1). Comparisons give a reduction according to the countries listing above. Still it is the length of sentences that truly distinguishes American prison policy, the mere number of sentences imposed would not place the United States at the top of the incarceration lists. If the lists were compiled based o n annual admissions to prison per capita, several European countries would outpace the United States (New York Times section A, 2008, p 1). Causes Of Recidivism In America, the rate of incarceration has increased dramatically. Prisons have been full to capacity with deplorable conditions and long lasting side effects of inmates, their families and communities in New York. In many prisons, the crimes continue on the inside and further affect outside crimes related activities. The main reasons for this increment include social environment, peer pressure, family structure, state-level policies and lack of employment opportunities (Scott 2010, p 4). However, other things that need to be relied are the individual’s circumstances before incarceration, things that happen before they are incarcerated and the period after they are released from prison. Both immediate and long-term considerations will put poverty and difficulties as the main reason for the causes of recidivism. Drug Ab use Treatment And Recidivism The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between drug use and recidivism among criminals and to consider how generalized drug treatment participation and completion further affect this relationship. Among researchers and policy makers, a consensus reveals drug use as linked to criminal behavior and recidivism. Further, drug treatment reduces the chances of recidivism (Mackenzie, 1997). On average, 65% of individuals who